
Services offered along your healing journey

My practice specializes in collaborating with individual adults of all ages, though I additionally work with families, couples, teens and tweens. We will initially determine what your goals in therapy might be and we continue from that point, structuring therapy sessions to your preference.

I offer comprehensive services using Art Therapy, as well as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy – in most cases a combination of both modalities are utilized. Both modalities are non-invasive
ways to uncover triggering factors that may be impeding your success; you are not forced to go where you are not ready to go. Your brain, as with your body, is created with self-protection and defenses in place. There may come a time in your life wherein those self-protections are not working as you need them to, or as they have in the past; perhaps signaling that the time has come to alter your approach, to find what you may need and may be healthier for you now. With these modalities, your brain will lead you where you need to go – uncover what needs to be seen and attended to.

my mission

“Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face”

I chose this portion from the “Do You Realize??” lyrics by The Flaming Lips because I feel it embodies what I work towards conveying. I approach each person as an individual, unique and beautiful, and quickly pinpoint strengths and bring those to the forefront to assist with strengthening existing coping mechanisms. Those strengths are used as a baseline to incorporate new, additional coping skills to call upon during times of distress. I will assist you in uncovering the contributing factors to your current distress or adjustment challenges, including possible trauma(s). From this point, we will explore how to approach unhealthy behaviors and thoughts in order to recognize more adaptable, healthier options.


emdr therapy

EMDR is a unique, nontraditional form of psychotherapy designed to diminish negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events. Unlike most forms of talk therapy, EMDR focuses less on the traumatic event itself and more on the emotions and symptoms that result from the event. Treatment includes a hand motion technique used by the therapist to guide the client’s eye movements from side to side, similar to watching a pendulum swing.


Art therapy

It is not a requirement to be artistic or having any artistic know-how or talent to utilize Art Therapy as a modality to make connections and links to the root causes of what may be blocking our progress. Our memories can be visual, influence the olfactory system (sense of smell) and tactile (sense of touch). Art therapy expounds upon our senses to gently make connections through symbols and come to realizations in the here and now.


Creating self-awareness and linking an understanding to what motivates us in any direction, can be the key to making long-term changes in damaging habits, routines and relationships.